Each of us is on a unique path of self-awakening.

When we choose to embrace this path, we may come to know the depths of our true nature – the wellspring of love and light that pulls us toward greater truth and beauty.

As a credentialed transformative guide, my work is an invitation to revive your connection to this radiant source within.

It is an invitation to unfold what may be limiting you, and to deeply nurture the intuition and courage to be guided by your inner wisdom.

Perhaps you are here because you feel an inner pull to find something ‘more’ in life. Perhaps you sense a disconnect between your current path and your true desires. Perhaps you are awakening to a new vision entirely and long for support.

I work clients who are experiencing these inner pulls and are ready to journey beyond fear and into trust. It is never an easy journey but our work is to release the heaviness of guilt, shame, doubt, and apathy to allow the lightness of love, joy, and trust to guide your path forward.

A journey to fully embody your radiant being.

I offer grounding1-1 sessions for women who feel a strong call to transform or expand their path.  I draw on over 1000 hours of mind-body-energy training to support you by fostering the conditions to liberate your heart and mind.

Our work may involve cognitive methods, movement, expressive art, visualisation, meditation, and role play. More important than these tools, are my guiding principles of holding space for transformation. These principles are love, presence, and possibility:

How do I support your transformation?

  • It is my deepest intention to meet each client with a heart filled with loving kindness; creating a safe space where they can fully embrace their emotions, without the fear of judgment.

  • In being fully present, I cultivate an awareness of my client's spoken words, unspoken emotions, and subtle body language. This in turn allows me to intuit into their experience and to offer insights that resonate deeply.

  • Coaching is inherently focused on the present and future, and as such, I work diligently with my clients to transcend the limitations of their past conditioning and beliefs.

    By embracing new possibilities, I encourage them to challenge their assumptions, sparking creativity and inspiring unboxed thinking.

Learn more about coaching sessions and enquire here.

Autumn Applications Open

Autumn Applications Open