Our work together is a spacious process that allows for deeper exploration and the integration of new perspectives and ways of being. As we journey together, we'll follow a natural arc of transformation; discovering, allowing, releasing, and ultimately embodying the change you desire.

Investing in this journey together is more than a financial commitment. It's a profound act of self-love and courage.

If you choose to co-create change with me, you're agreeing to meet yourself with honesty, bravery, and openness. You're committing to facing challenges head-on and trusting in the transformative process. And most importantly, you're dedicating yourself to the change you long for.

Starting package: 10 sessions

  • Investment: £2000

  • 10 x 90-minute video calls

  • Bespoke exercises and tools

  • Email or voice notes once a week

I am an ICF-certified Life Coach who has trained with Animas, a reputable school for Transformative Coaching.

In addition to my life coaching expertise, I bring a body-centered and spiritually grounded approach to our work together. My personal journey has been profoundly shaped by embodiment practice and theory, and I'm passionate about sharing these practices with others. While you're welcome to explore my background, I invite you to trust your intuition and apply to book a discovery call to see if we're a good fit.

Body Therapeutics

  • Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy UKCP, 2024 - ongoing

  • Personal Embodiment Training (350 hr), Tamalpa UK, 2022

  • Zen & Hatha Yoga Teacher (200 hr), Zen Yoga , 2019

Spiritual Connection Training

  • Love, Presence, and Connection Practitioner, Pause Place, 2023

  • Deep Ecology and Connection Facilitator, Active Hope, 2018

  • Interfaith Fellowship, St Ethelburgas, 2014